
To link a manipulator and a controller together, select them, then use the Link Manipulator To Selection button in the Rumba shelf in Maya.

Rumba Shelf

To modify a manipulator configuration, select it and use the creation menu to apply a different configuration. Or simply edit it with the Maya attribute editor.

Different types of manipulators are available. All those types are sharing the same base attribute:

  • Rumba Controller Name: Define the controller associated with the manipulator

Some Manipulators have attributes that let you define an axis order (Translate Mode and Rotate Mode are the most common). This axis order is composed of one to three axis descriptors (in x, y, z, -x, -y, -z, _). For example, if you define Translate Mode as xyz, the Manipulator will react as follows :

  • move the associated controller on the x axis when you move the mouse along the horizontal axis of the viewport
  • move the associated controller on the y axis when you move the mouse along the vertical axis of the viewport
  • move the associated controller on the z axis when you have the CTRL modifier pressed and you move the mouse along any axis of the viewport

You can also ignore some of the mouse movement by using _ instead of an axis. For exemple, if you enter _xz, the horizontal mouvement of the mouse in the viewport will be ignored.